Environmental, Social and Governance Policy Statement

The company strives to support its employees, the wider community, and the environment by embracing responsible and sustainable practices in its business, supply chains, operations, and investments. This ultimately increases the value of the underlying hotel business and hotel assets and shrinks the company’s environmental footprint.

We focus on identifying and addressing environmental, social, and governance strategies and topics that are relevant to the company and strive to exert a positive influence on our employees, our investments, and the future of the broader hospitality and tourism industry.

Concepts in our corporate responsibility program

We are committed to supporting and protecting our stakeholders – employees, investors, partners, and guests – and ensuring their safety, security, dignity, and human rights...
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The company is constantly on the lookout for ways to reduce its impact on the environment where it operates. The company strives to implement sustainable and ecofriendly business practices...
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The company complies with all laws and regulations in the countries where it operates and acts with the utmost integrity...
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Certificate Green Key
Certificate Ökoprofit